Chapisho Jipya

5 WordPress Tools You Didn’t Even Know About

5 WordPress Tools You Didn’t Even Know About

WordPress is one of the most customizable and easy-to-use content management systems available. With endless tools and plugins available to make every element of your website highly customizable, it’s no surprise that many opt for this platform.
However, one downside to the vast opportunities afforded by WordPress, is many of the countless add-ons go under the radar. With individual developers working tirelessly to bring you new and innovative programs, it’s no surprise that not all get the credit they deserve.
These five tools are the perfect accompaniment to create your ideal website, but are regularly overlooked by most WordPress listicles!

Top 5 WordPress Tools You Must Check

  1. Duplicator

The internet is awash with the best security plugins for your site. Big names, such as WordFence and Security Ninja, are known to most users and commonly installed. However, no matter how many security plugins you use, it’s impossible to guarantee 100 percent protection. Here is where Duplicator comes in.
This tool allows you to do a complete copy and paste of all your site data. This means that, in the event of a security breach, you can easily and quickly restore your domain to the last time it was healthy and functioning.
The plugin is also extremely useful if you’re looking to change hosts or even if you meddle with your theme’s code and accidentally change the wrong element.
  1.  Compact WP Audio Player
While WordPress offers the ability to add music to your site automatically, there are a few downsides to the built-in player. As well as having little room for customization, it also automatically fills the width of the post. This feature doesn’t leave you much control over the aesthetics of your article.
However, the super-handy Compact WP Audio Player have been specifically developed to overcome this problem. As well as taking up less page space, it switches between HTML5 and Flash playback to ensure a seamless listening experience.
Another key benefit is the player will automatically resize itself for different devices, meaning you site can stay optimized for mobile with no extra effort required.
      3. Barrel Roll WordPress Plugin
Not all lesser-known WordPress plugins fill essential gaps in the market. Some are just added on for a bit of fun. The Barrel Roll plugin is something that was brought to notoriety when used by Google a few years back. If you searched the term “barrel roll” on the site, it would cause the entire page to do a flip. It attracted millions, just wanting to see if it would work.
This entertaining feature can now be installed on all WordPress websites as well. It operates in a similar way to Google, except for any typing field. Users can input the phrase into the search box, comments field or contact form and the page will instantly do a 360-degree flip.
As well as providing fun for visitors, it can also be a great marketing ploy! Once users discover the trick, they’ll be quick to share with friends!
Recommended post for SEO: Top Backlinks Checker Tools
4. Zapier
WordPress Tools
Sometimes the best tools aren’t dedicated plugins; they can also be third-party apps that make your blogging life easier. Zapier is the perfect example of this. As a website owner, it’s a given that you will be running countless simultaneous apps and processes. Whether this is embracing social media to help with marketing or organizing and sharing your workload on platforms such as Evernote and Slack, it can be hard to keep up.
Zapier allows you to create a workflow that automatically pulls all updates from connected apps. What this means is that you can manage your WordPress account, your employees and your audience from one simple platform. Working in this way means you’ll never have to miss a notification again!
5. ExpressVPN
Another great app that is an essential for all WordPress users is the mighty Virtual Private Network (VPN). The benefit of this tool is two-fold. First, it adds another layer of security that is essential for those who update and access their website when on-the-go. 
Unsecure public WiFi is a hotspot for malicious hackers, and due to the open nature of these networks, no other security app can provide protection. If you’re not ready to give up the convenience that they offer, using a VPN will encrypt your data and protect it from being intercepted.
A VPN can also be handy if you’re traveling and working. Different websites are blocked depending which country you’re in, and using this handy tool can help you bypass the restrictions. This review from Secure Thoughts explains why ExpressVPN is one of the leading brands on the market and is an excellent choice for all WordPress users.

These little-known tools are all a great addition to your WordPress site. However, there are many more out there that deserve equal recognition. If you have a favourite plugin or tool, then be sure to leave a comment below and let us know your ideas!  

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